Apex Acupuncture is a unique, traditional Chinese medicine clinic and has been in apex more than 20 years.
They provide a wide range of Natural healing remedies to treat both acute and chronic diseases and relieve various pains.
It can also be specialized in a variety of remedies that nourish health and improve overall quality of life in our patients. They include:
- Traditional Acupuncture
- Modern Acupuncture
- Electricity Acupuncture
- Scale Acupuncture
- Navel Acupuncture
- Auricular-Acupuncture
- Cupping
- Moxibustion
We also feature the largest selection of Chinese Herbs in North Carolina and use them to treat some diseases, all equipment are sanitary and safe disposable needles and genuine Chinese herbs.
We offer a Free consultation too.
Here are some pictures including herbs we use and of the clinic
和普堂是 Apex Acupuncture 附设的一间北卡最大的中药店。现备有传统地道中药材,中成药约400余种。李臻大夫临床40余年,长于运用中西两法,针药并用,内外兼治等利多弊少的有效疗法,治疗多种疑难杂症。本店药材地道,服务周到,方脉处方,代客配药,包办邮购,方便及时。热忱欢迎各界人士光顾指导。